My Blog, My Diary, My Life.


Overcome Depression

Major depressive disorder also known as MDD is a mental disorder characterized by low mood accompanied by low self-esteem, and by loss of interest or pleasure in any enjoyable activities.

Do Not Panic!

Panic attacks are periods of intense fear that appear suddenly and of relatively brief duration. Many, who experience a panic attack, mostly for the first time, fear they are having a heart attack.

Social Phobia Common Anxiety Disorder

Social anxiety involves an intense feeling of fear, worry and discomfort in social situations and especially situations that are unfamiliar or in which you will be watched or evaluated by others.

Break Free

It’s time to for you to fight back and break free. It is more than possible for you to change your life around, to relax, to have fun, to laugh to be cool.

Take Control

With or without cipralex, you must always fight to gain back control of your life.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

OMG: A Year with Cipralex

Hello again my friends and thank you for sharing your insights and experiences, your comments are helping many other people in the situation, so keep commenting, sharing and getting better.
Last night I was laying in my bed looking at my girlfriend sleeping while she hugs me, there was a good breeze coming from the window and the weather was just fine, then I realized again, wow, what a change…amazing…just amazing….(I mumbled that to myself) what wouldn’t I do a year ago to be in that position, everything was good, everything was awesome…
The change is dramatic and so noticeable…but sometimes when you’re inside something you don’t notice things… and it’s really important to stop – from time to time and realize what you achieved so far...
And honestly I think I’ve changed my life around, for the better.
Here’s a question I got for you guys, what have changed so far in your life? When was this moment when you said to yourself… things changed.
I’ve met with my doc got prescription for the next three months… all went smooth…meanwhile I’ll stick with cipralex…see what happens next…
Who knows? Maybe I’ll even get married. Lol.
Cheers and take care and keep helping each other.
Until next time

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Day 340... Have things really changed?

Hope you’re all still in the game and getting better with each day.
It’s been a while since I last wrote something, been little busy lately…
It’s now day 340, soon I’ll be a year on cipralex…it’s time to stop for a second and appreciate what happened this year, how things changed, how my way of thinking and looking at things change – and it did…sure did.
Wow, I’m amazed at how easy it is to get use to things, to get use to feeling normal…to get use to not get use to think too much about things, and just flow.

A year ago…maybe a little bit less, I was so depressed, lonely and living on the edge, in this daily fear on everything I guess… I use to get panic attacks every single day…sometimes even couple times a day.
I wouldn’t go out, I would do everything in my power to avoid any social events and meeting new people was a nightmare…sometimes even walking down the street was a damn project…it’s amazing…just amazing…I can hardly remember how it felt like…which is good, very good. I now walk the streets, meet and interact with new people, I feel safe…I feel I can trust myself.
I have a beautiful girlfriend, good friends; I love my family and most important of all… I guess I made peace with myself… the improvement and changes I’ve going through all this time on cipralex are overwhelming sometimes…
I use to complicate things too much, think too much and I used to feel like I’m not in control…
I always knew, even back then…that I was stuck inside a bubble…or maybe a cell, a prison cell which I build for years…guess how that makes you feel…knowing you put yourself there, knowing your inside a bubble…but just can’t get out of it…
I guess it’s important for me to stop for a second…stop and appreciate myself for doing this for myself… I guess this is one of the most important things I’ve done for me ever…
I do not regret my decision to take cipralex…it was a hard call to make but I made it…and for that I’m grateful too… things are working out, soon I’m meeting my psychiatrist again, see what he have to say…he will probably suggest to continue three more months… but it doesn’t matter, taking cipralex is a very small price to pay for the benefits of rebuilding your life…rebuilding yourself.
Btw I can now say that all the side effects are totally 100% gone, so the only hassle is to take the pill once a day…
I still haven’t told anyone about me taking this pill…and I’m not going to…at least not in the near future…
I know some of you disagree and say its as if I’m judging my friends or gf, but I’m not…I just think that I’m not ready for that yet…maybe society isn’t ready too…
It’s funny; yesterday I met my friend new girlfriend…sounds silly right? Today it is….no big deal….i haven’t really thought about it much…just didn’t care…:) a year ago I would think about it so much I get panic attack all day…just because I’m meeting someone I don’t know…
Things change – remember that folks, sometimes they change so fast, you don’t even notice.
Take care now