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So, How Do You Know If You Have Depression?

If you are reading this article then you may be wondering if you are depressed and suffering from depression.

Many people actually go through their lives without even realising that they are suffering from depression. Most of these people will be unaware of the symptoms or they simply do not believe that they could possibly be depressed. Many people will often just think that they are tired, having a bad day or simply lost interest in a job or activity that they used to enjoy doing.

These people may also be unaware of the fact that they have become irritable or have recently been neglecting their friends as they may have chosen to stay in on weekends instead of going out socialising. All of these small changes can actually be a sign that an individual is suffering from depression. It is true that recognising depression within yourself is often more difficult that recognising depression in other people.

However in order for a person to actually realise that they are suffering from depression then they will need to be aware of the symptoms and causes of depression so that they can begin to make a decision on whether they may require help from a therapist.

However it is important to note that depression should never be left untreated as it can develop into a serious health issue which can greatly affect an individual’s life in a negative manner.

Symptoms of depression that a depressed person may experience include the feeling of persistent sadness, fatigue, worthlessness, feeling overwhelmed, anxiety, irritability and frustration. Other symptoms also include a change in sleeping habits and appetite as well as difficulty concentration on getting things done.

Individuals who are suffering from depression will also usually lose interest in activities that they would normally enjoy doing.
They will often feel low in confidence and self-esteem and this may make the person reluctant to participant in social activities. In the beginning a depressed person may actually only experience a few of these symptoms, however over time the depression can get much worse and many of the symptoms will then often be present.

It can be very difficult to establish the exact cause of depression as it can simply come out of nowhere. However there are often traumatic events which may have taken place such as loss of a loved one which has caused the depression.

If you believe that you may be suffering from depression then it is important that you contact a doctor or therapist who can then help you return to a happy and normal life.

As a result of advancements in technology there is even online therapy which is available to people who are depressed. This is a popular method of treatment as anyone who has access to the internet can easily contact a therapist.


I would also like to remind those who have persistent depression which for years has been unchanged by medication to consider electroconvulsive therapy, also known as shock therapy, this has alot of stigma around it but its completely safe and very effective. this is also very useful to pregnant women who during the time of their pregnancy cannot take their meds and are at large risk of suicide. get educated and ud be surprised at how its changed :)

..depression is easily cured with Reiki's works really fast!

I'm sorry Reiki sessions alone do not cure depression - there is no quick fix solution it is an illness

Reiki is not just something anyone can try. it requires belief in order for it to be effective. it is not necessarily something that will work for most people. there also is not one solution for all people. we all have to find what works best for us. for me, a combo of meds and therapy has worked best, when i'm able to find a good therapist who suits me and gives me the tools i need.

My doctor prescribed me Cipralex today and i took one already but I'm hesitant to continue. With depression, i know you said it can cause more severe problems but can it make you feel dizzy because i have been dizzy for around 2 months, i dunno if it's because of my depression or anxiety. After taking one pill today, i feel even more dizzy. I just want to know if it's worth it to take.

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