My Blog, My Diary, My Life.


Overcome Depression

Major depressive disorder also known as MDD is a mental disorder characterized by low mood accompanied by low self-esteem, and by loss of interest or pleasure in any enjoyable activities.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day 419: Some comments Some Answers

Hello again my friends, and a worm welcome to the newcomers. It’s now day number 419… wow… that’s a lot of days... and a lot of changes too... So what going on… really? everything is good ,i cant remember the last time i had a real panic attack or side effects or anything like that ...that's nice...real nice. "unfound said...Im afraid of taking the drug I was prescribed it, I have been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder...

Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 390: Forget and Rewind

What make us forget? Forget about how it used to be and just live the moment like that’s how it’s always been… I wonder a lot about that lately… I’ve notice that lately I forgot that I’m on cipralex, I forgot that I used to experience panic attack, depression, flushes and stress…daily stress… on every silly little thing that happens…sometimes even on events that never took place…I guess it was the old “what if…” days… You probably wonder why...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

OMG: A Year with Cipralex

Hello again my friends and thank you for sharing your insights and experiences, your comments are helping many other people in the situation, so keep commenting, sharing and getting better. Last night I was laying in my bed looking at my girlfriend sleeping while she hugs me, there was a good breeze coming from the window and the weather was just fine, then I realized again, wow, what a change…amazing…just amazing….(I mumbled that to myself) what...

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Day 340... Have things really changed?

Friends, Hope you’re all still in the game and getting better with each day. It’s been a while since I last wrote something, been little busy lately… It’s now day 340, soon I’ll be a year on cipralex…it’s time to stop for a second and appreciate what happened this year, how things changed, how my way of thinking and looking at things change – and it did…sure did. Wow, I’m amazed at how easy it is to get use to things, to get use to feeling...

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Day 316: more questions...more answers :)

Some quesiton you guys asked in the comments: Hi doll khan, when to stop...? thats a good question... I guess the answet is when you feel that you can... wait couple of months more and gradually you can stop... but ask your doc. thats why you pay him anyway :-) rose khan - "awsome blog just tell me some times i feeel numbness and lightness in my head does the same happens to u??" yes it does but I hardly notice it anymore..with time it will...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

You Asked...I Answer

this is a comment I got lately with good value in I decided to post it: Great blog... im gunna link it in one of the forums I visit often. Cipralex has also changed my life in so many ways, it's really allowed me to get back to being ME. This question is directed to the writer of this blog: I understand that you are on 20 mg right now, which is the highest dose. What do you plan on doing once that dose starts to wear off or gradually becomes...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 295: Cipralex and Antibiotics...and You

Hello friends, I hope everything is good with you guys and again, thanks for sharing your thoughts and asking questions in the comments, seems like we can really help each other. Couple of days ago my girlfriend had to take this medicine for some kind of infection of bacteria or something like that... anyways her doctor recommended told her that I should take it too. So now, I need to take this antibiotics pills, well at least its just for one...

Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 272: Changing Your Mind

I don’t know why but in a way today is a special day for me. What made it special is you guys that visit my blog, read, write and interact. I've read the latest comments from you guys, seems like we're all in this together, it made me feel even better, it made me go back in time and think about how much I've been through… and it’s a lot, its amazing, If you would told me that this is where I'll be today before I've started treating myself with...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 265: Gotta be some good times ahead

Hello my friends, been very busy lately, but all in all better...busy and better...maybe more better than busy... :) I had one day in which i was very very angry, had no patience to anything or anybody, also had some arguments with lots of people that day... but it seems like a distant memory now... no panic attacks, no depression, no pressure, dealing with everything ok, relationship with my girlfriend is great, everything seems to run smoothly......

Monday, May 23, 2011

A moment of seriousness

And now a moment of seriousness How many pills must a men swallow down before he can say he's OK, and how many chills must a man feel inside before he can say they are gone... and how much weight must a man gain or lose before the side effects are gone... The answer my friend is blowing in the wind...

Day 208, I know its No Secret...

Hello my friends, and thank you all for the feedback and comments and all the experiences you're sharing with me, keep doing that - I'm reading all of it and appreciate it. As I've mentioned in early posts, I keep the fact that I'm taking cipralex to my self... Maybe that's one of the reasons I'm sharing this information with you guys, In a way you're all my best friends :) Taking cipralex for people that know what it really is - is no big...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 196: Breaking Up, Getting Back Together and 20 MG Cipralex

My dear friends, first of all I want to thank you all again for your comments and emails, I read them all and they make me smile and get more energy to keep posting and telling you all how I am, I'm happy that we help each other and that you help other people in the comments - I notice that and I appreciate it. Now for some updates, You must be wondering what I've been up to... Well I had some rough times with my girl friend, and we broke up for...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 172: Don't get too excited now...

Hello my friends, I've been asked lately what really piss me off, because some people that know many more and some less said I keep a constant poker face all the time, and They don't see me angry or too upset or too happy...I wonder why? :-) Maybe its just the way I always been or maybe its cipralex, honestly? I couldn't care less. Inside i'm happy and everything is 100% under control, I have no panic attacks, no anxiety and no depression from months...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 166: Just so you'll know i'm still kicking

Once again its been a while since i've posted, but in a way thats a good thing, I spend most of my time with my girlfriend and friends, having fun living. I'm very calm...maybe a bit too calm, at least that what my gf thinks, I haven't told her anything about it yet, and with a little luck I would never need to. Everything is fine, no panic attacks lately maybe just a mild one couple of days ago...but nothing serious... I will post more soon. take...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 147: everything is fine.

its been a while since the last update, been on vacation with my girlfriend, and dealt with many issues but over all everything seems to be ok, sure i have some days when i'm bit down and others that i'm a bit up, but life is manageable, and the only times went i did felt bad was when i haven't took the pills on ti...

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Day 124: Life Is Beautiful

Its day 124, I feel good, I feel I don't need the pills any more... but i'm still taking them at least for the next couple of months...than we will see. I now have a girlfriend, I go out alot, I meet new people all the time and I truly enjoy life and not taking everything too seriously. Panic attacks, anxiety and depression are long gone, some times I don't even remember I had them. I think I will start working out today. Its been too long. The...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Me, My Girlfriend and Cipralex

Hello again, Its been a while since I posted so I decided to post something, just so you'll know everything is alright and ticking the right direction with me. I have a girlfriend now, but I haven't told her about cipralex yet...its too early for me to share that with her... so for the time being I will keep that information for my self, I feel so alive, and everything's great, we're going out a lot and I'm dealing with so many situations and...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Love is in the air...

Hello again, Hope all is well with you all, here's a quick update of what happened lately… Well first of all I feel even better, I'm starting to rediscover myself and the world around me in a fun , entertaining way. I'm dating this girl that I'm starting to really like…but too soon to make the call if it actually is, I'm having fun anyways. The side effects are a far away memory and hardly notice I take cipralex in term of the side effects....

Sunday, February 06, 2011

100 Days with Cipralex, Weight Gain, Libido & Updates

Hello everybody, I know many of you are concerned about weight gain and libido drop... I will try to share some light about that in this post, also i have a lot to update you guys... so here we go... First with what concerns you...weight gain and libido drop... About weight gain, a mild weight gain can happen, however its nothing to worry about... because its nothing dramatic, you'll hardly notice it... You must always remember that each...

Monday, January 31, 2011

96 Days with Cipralex...Feeling much better now...

Hi everybody, I know, I know...I haven't had a chance to post lately...been busy busy busy... but I feel way better now... seems like after I switched from 10 MG to 15 MG there wasn't much of a change at the beginning, but now I feel like there's a big difference... In the last two weeks, I had another meeting with my doc, had few more dates, went out with friends, build cats condo and playground for my cat and I'm working on my psychology work......

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 83: Another one bites the dust...

Hello again my friends, thanks for caring and visiting my blog again :-) . Yesterday I had another blind date... which went much better than the previous one, I think I'm getting better at this, I was a little bit nervous before the date but when I got there I just said to my self lets do this and have fun , and than everything went smoothly and we had really nice time, if you're asking if she's the one...? well not really... but it was a...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 81: Approaching girls in the pub...

Had couple of new experiences lately, but this post will focus on the more interesting one :-) it will deal mostly with approach anxiety and social we go... You see, couple of days ago I went out with friends to have a drink in a nice local pub, got dressed nice and lately I'm in the mood to get out of the house all the time, or maybe I'm in the mood to no stay in the house all the time...Anyways we decided to go out to get a drink,...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

No special dramas! communication skills released.

Been couple of days since my last post, I had a very busy week and a lot on my mind… Here's a quick review of what happened these days and what I went through… I had some work related meetings this week with some people I didn’t knew and some I haven't seen a long, long time, went very good I think…its amazing how easy it is to communicated when you're not so busy with dealing with the panic attacks, anxiety and depression, it was actually fun. I...

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Cipralex and Blind Dating

Yesterday I had a blind date with this cute girl, all I can is that it was a very good practice for me, and I could be at ease and just have fun and conversation most of the time, eventually it didn't work out but the fun part is, that I didn't care much :-) at least not too much, and now I have another date, the thing is that usually in the past I would worry and focus on myself too much , that will make look like a freak, and this time I was...

Forgetting about the pills

I've notice that two times I totally forgot that i'm taking cipralex... almost actually forgot to take the pills, but eventually i remember, but its a good sign, Its like all the side effects are totally gone... just wanted to share that too ...

Day 63 - 73 with 15mg cipralex: Attacking on all fronts

Hello everybody, here's a quick review of what happend these days... * I talked to a girl on a bar(complete stranger...i would could never do that before) * I started singing to myself a lot lately, specially in the morning... and in the shower...thats funny...isn't it? * bought lots of cool clothes (dealt with lots of people doing it was fun to see i can handle that) * I feel bored, or maybe I just need a night it...

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Things I've Tried Before Cipralex

Hi there, just so you'll know I haven't just jumped into this, and you shouldn't too, here's the stuffs I tried before cipralex (which tops them all, at least for me and my issues): 1. Hypnosis 2. NLP 3. Home remedies 4. Herbal and nutritional supplements 5. Saint John's worth 6. 5htp Supplements 7. Shrink 8. Psychotherapist 9. Self Help books, films, audios 10. seroxat 11. Valerian Drops 12. Chinese Acupuncture some of them helped less some...


Lately I've noticed I get bored when I do nothing, staying at home is boring, watching tv is also boring... this is a major thing for me, usually time will just fly for me even if I don't do nothing , I never felt bored... but this is a very positive thing for me, I guess I haven't noticed I wasn't doing much because I was very very busy thinking about what I should do, or avoid... panic attacks, social anxiety and depression...well seems BORING...

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Happy New Year

Well the last couple of days were something, I've been in lots of places and had just to interact with people here and there, which is still amazing for me because just getting out of the house, not to mention being around people i don't know was "an issue" for me, this time it was easy and kinda fun. Its almost a week now since i've increased the dosage from 10 mg to 15 mg, and i'm starting to feel the difference, I notice slowly slowly how I become...