My Blog, My Diary, My Life.


Overcome Depression

Major depressive disorder also known as MDD is a mental disorder characterized by low mood accompanied by low self-esteem, and by loss of interest or pleasure in any enjoyable activities.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Give CBT a try before cipralex

Hi, I personally gave it a try and it was useful but was not enough to deal with my issues, however if you're problem in mild it worth giving it a try, "Cognitive behavioral therapy" google it, and try it. it can save you a lot of money and time...and more important anxiety and panic attacks. also good for specific problems. cheers let me know how it w...

Day 20 to 27 with cipralex...

i sleep a lot , still wake up tired , still not feeling good enough, but there is improvement, yesterday i had a panic attack suppressed....still felt it...i will wait until a month will pass , see if there's a major improvement...mean while its up and down, mostly down... my patience is running out, I'm getting restless and i want action now, come on already, I've notice i got anxious and can't wait no more , however i do feel better , or at least...

Monday, November 22, 2010

Release Limiting Beliefs and Decisions

Here's something you'll just love, I've got it from audible i think just search for "Release Limiting Beliefs and Decision" its an audio recording for relaxation and much more made by Darren Marks, I gave it a try and it was very useful for me, to ease my mind and get into the "zone" with my self, Truly recommended. Enjoy, I'll try to get you some more cool stuffs that helps me along the ...

Cipralex and Alcohol

Not recommended, I said it before, this is what my doc told me, however, its hard not to... sometimes in social events its hard to avoid it, so if I must I drink beer and the one with the less alcohol... no more than one, than its ok, manageable, Its better to avoid wine and whisky totally. When I did drink I felt kind of bit dizzie and had an headache couple of hours after... to summarize it - try to avoid it, but if you must, one beer from time...

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Is it really a last resort?

I'm not sure how to answer that, but I did tried things like hypnosis, NLP, CBT and many others before I decided to give cipralex a chance...if you're not feeling good about taking it you should try those things first, because sometimes it really helps, in my case it was a waste of time and money... and the worse was that i did not get better...Now I can sure notice the chan...

Day 17,18 and 19 with cipralex

went out a bit with a friend went ok, need to do this again tomorrow. i think things get better cause slowly slowly I'm doing things to change my focus on what i want.still couldn't get my self to get out of the house i woke up ok, a little tired, had weird dreams too, but good ones i think, had a good visit to the toilet and started the day ok, i marked this day as another small step up in my feeling, i still wait to see if there will be any...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

questions about cipralex? lexparo?

if you have any questions or worries about cipralex, feel free to ask me, i'll be more than happy to help all me fellow cipralex users :-) so you can ask me via email or better to comment and ask, I promise to answer tha...

if you take cipralex here is what you should do

make sure you write a diary or fill up an excel file, or post in your blog or whatever, just keep record of everything that's going on, every minor change, its really important! you should include the following parameters: 1. sex ( from 1 - 10 how much sex intrest you and how are your....) 2. toilet ( any problem with that? write em down) 3. control ( how much do you feel in control from 1 to 10) 4. feeling ( how do you feel from 1 to 10) do...

day 14, 15 and 16 with cipralex...

2 weeks now, i do feel a little change, but i cant say its dramatic, hopefully from tommarow i will... have been in the toilet for the 2nd day now, thats cant be good... just had a mild panic attack, i think, it was very restrained comparing with the old ones...met with some people went ok, didnt care too much, which was nice to feel totally ok infront of strangers...also went next to a girl that smelled really good, wanted to say something about...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

day 13 almost 2 weeks on cipralex

1 day before the two weeks, i think im starting to feel better, the side effect got even lower, jaws are better now, had some pain in the last couple of days in there, anyways, no panic attacks so far, had fun stretching and i really want to get into the game soon. i hope tomorrow the change will be more noticeable, cause they said it only kick in after 2 - 4 weeks... had an arguments without flushes or panic attacks that's also new to me,...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Are you afraid to take cipralex?

Are you scared to take cipralex? At the beginning so was I, and i'm a freak control, but when it comes to the bottom line, which is better to suffer this anxiety and panic attack, or to suffer some side effects for a while.... you know the answer, If you can manage without it, than do it , however if you suffer, than you should do something about that too, there are many alternatives you can look into , including hypnosis, NLP, CBT and more,...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Escitalopram different brand names

Escitalopram got many names including Lexapro, Cipralex, Seroplex, Lexamil, Lexam, Esto etc' but all refer to cipralex/Escitalopram , so don't let the name confuse you... i got some emails asking me about this so I decided to post something about the names......

Seroxat VS. Cipralex

for your benefits, i've had the chance to try both, and I must tell you that cipralex is way better in terms of the side effects, they almost completely dissappear after two - three weeks comparing with seroxat that even after months i still felt strong side effects, including chills, teeth clinching, shaking, breathing wierd and sweat....the worse part was the sweat, cipralex after 10 days all the side effects almost gone completely , so if you...

can't fall a sleep, can't wake up

had a bit hard time to fall a sleep and also had hard time waking up... but streghing is fun, i think i notice some minor differences, but i'm still feeling stuck in terms of borders around me or something....side effects are minimal at this stage... in 2 days it will be 2 weeks, many said after two weeks the cipra start to kick in and you start to feel improvements...crossing my fingers and hoping for the best...just came back from the nlp,...

Cipralex 10 MG Day 11 - you go where your focus is

you go where your focus is, time to set it on the right things, i went out a bit, was kinda wierd, haven't had any interaction with anyone on my part yet, the side effects slowly fading, but i do feel worse in terms of the anxiety and depression, or more accurate to say i'm more aware of me being depressed.... also i've noticed that i get bored a lot...lately...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 10 on Cipralex, I feel sleepy all so sleepy...

woke up stretching with good feeling, but could continue to sleep more, feel bored...was very tierd slept in the afernoon, but havent done nothing today....cant seem to get the motivation to get my ass out of this night i felt bit better, but still not where i think i should be considering....i should probably focus more on the minor/big changes that do happen, the way i communicate and less give a #@@@ about things that are silly to give...

Agoraphobia is it?

can't get out of the house, dunno why, maybe cause i dont have a real reason? or maybe cause i'm scared? wierd...took me ages to cu...singing a lot, also thinking in creative way it hink... but not doing anything with it, but considering that i have a situation of my bro wife, i guess im dealing with my emotions in a good restrained way.,.its day 9, got five more to go for the effect to take place... mean while there are some improvements, some...

Day 8 on Cipralex...

one week after, woke up once again with huge boner and really horney, but it seems like it setteled down or something, i wonder if there will be a change soon...because im starting to feel kinda stuck again and its annoying, but at least i do not get much panic attacks lately, a general feeling of less giving a fuck about things...kinda tierd even tought i sleep more... and its easier to fall a sleep now...i feel like lying in the sun, now...

When will the cipralex start to effect

The doc said it will take 2 to 4 weeks for the pills to start have a positive effect, until then, it can also get worse...but thats normal, so take this into consideration, have patience and continue to take them even if nothing good happens in the first month... but you will feel something (besides the side effects) i mean, something good, doesn't matter if you're taking it for depression or anxiety or for panic attacks, there are mild changes...

When to take the pill, Night or Day?

ok, I know many of you want to know more about this, so i've decided to post about it some basic pointers to consider, however the bottom line is this: If you can't fall a sleep after taking cipralex you should take in first thing in the morning If you get really tierd after you take it and feel like sleeping, take in at night. thats my conclusion, whatever works for you - I take it in the morning anyways... ...

Cipralex and Beers...

what can I do? i know the instructions say you should not drink alchol while on escitalopram (cipralex) but how can you live in today society without an occaisocal beer with friends, anyways yesterday I had to drink some beer with friends, and since i've drank only one glass it was ok, however I became very tierd and a bit out of focus(more than i would normally be after beer) and my stomch hurt a little, but after couple of hours it was manageable...

Day 7 I don't Care

had to deal with pa situation but did ok, had to meet with people went fine and we end up talking a lot during the session, and with the other guys also went ok i manage talking a lot with this girl but i haven't gave a !@# about her, so i remained cool while talking with her and her stupid associate,  i took the pill couple hours later than i normally would, today my lips are very very dry, mouth is ok for now... also i'm a bit excited...

Day 6 stretching was fun

had a kinda ok morning, after i had hard time falling a sleep, but once i sleep, i sleep good, streching in the morning was fun, also started singing songs from time time...thats new... usually i get an attack before meetings, today i have one and i feel like the attack is depressed a bit, but still there, i dont know why its still there, hope it will be gone totally soon... also took a 10mg for the 2nd day now... but havent been a week or two...

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Cipralex Day 5 - Now that's a huge boner

today after i woke up with a huge boner that hurt so bad that i almost... i moved to the 10mg pill, i hope there wont be hard side effects and that it will go slowly and nicely... however i'm prepared for it if it will come, also need to get to the course and interact a bit, see how it goes, meanwhile its the morning, the only thing that i notice is that my jaws are kinda stiff and i need to take a shit, still feeling chills here and there, also...

Day 4 - Streghing is KING on Cipralex

streghing in the morning for few minutes...thats new and feels good. teeth issue lessen but still appears from time to time,still big deal to get out of the house...,had some chills again, nothing too serious...still having difficulty to get out...i should probably smoke less too...

Cipralex Day 3 - breathing is "heavy"

breathing still bit heavy, pee is yellow... heard some news that would usually get me into anxiety mode, but this time the anxiety was mild, and easier to control,seems like symphtoms of teeth and stumach are lessening and there's a lower back mild pain too, also feeling excited from one hand and afraid from the other hand, really need a gf soon as possible, at night, the teeth thingy almost stopped completely , dont have much mojo...or sexsual ...

Day 2 on Cipralex, My teeth are shaking...

Teeth are shaking a bit, chilled again, but maybe its the weather, still had some problem getting out of the house, my mouth is little dry... strengths is fun,still yawning a lot and Stomach ache make some noises...had problem entering a store...also feeling a bit sea-sick, at night also had some Stomach ache...

Cipralex Day 1 - Starting with 5 MG...

Feeling a bit chilled, a bit tired, mouth little bit dry, Breathing is a bit slower, feeling of a little bit electricity or brainwaves down the neck, i'm yawning a lot, but maybe its placebo? dunno, anyways its nothing too serious... meanwhile everything is ok, i'm abit excited and a bit frightened or worried of what to come... had no problem with going to the bathroom or having far so go...

Start with 5 MG for at least 4 days

"start with 5 MG at least for the first 4 days" this is what my shrink told me and this is what i'm doing... I've an experience with this drug, so to avoid strong side effects i will gradually increase the dosage from 5 MG to 10 MG... I might even make it longer lets say 10 days at least on 5 MG.... I will soon post what happend in the next couple of days...maybe I should twit it? you tell me...

After 7 Years Break...Starting all over...AGAIN

Its been seven years since the last time i've been taking cipralex, but now it seems i will have to do it once again... I will update this blog to help you guys once again, feel free to ask anything you want, i know what you want to know...and i'll write about it every day... so if you've just started treatment and have questions this is the place to be....

Monday, November 08, 2010

ok, after a very very long break...

i will start to post again very soon......