My Blog, My Diary, My Life.


Overcome Depression

Major depressive disorder also known as MDD is a mental disorder characterized by low mood accompanied by low self-esteem, and by loss of interest or pleasure in any enjoyable activities.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 172: Don't get too excited now...

Hello my friends, I've been asked lately what really piss me off, because some people that know many more and some less said I keep a constant poker face all the time, and They don't see me angry or too upset or too happy...I wonder why? :-) Maybe its just the way I always been or maybe its cipralex, honestly? I couldn't care less. Inside i'm happy and everything is 100% under control, I have no panic attacks, no anxiety and no depression from months...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 166: Just so you'll know i'm still kicking

Once again its been a while since i've posted, but in a way thats a good thing, I spend most of my time with my girlfriend and friends, having fun living. I'm very calm...maybe a bit too calm, at least that what my gf thinks, I haven't told her anything about it yet, and with a little luck I would never need to. Everything is fine, no panic attacks lately maybe just a mild one couple of days ago...but nothing serious... I will post more soon. take...