My Blog, My Diary, My Life.


Overcome Depression

Major depressive disorder also known as MDD is a mental disorder characterized by low mood accompanied by low self-esteem, and by loss of interest or pleasure in any enjoyable activities.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Day 69 - Its time to increase the dosage

Have'nt posted in a while, seems like things are just a little but better, but also little bit the same... My doctor advised me to increase my dosage to 20 mg a day instead of 10 mg I'm taking so far. I lost control of life again, at least this is what I feel. I've been prosponing the dosage increasement for a while now... but I guess it is time. will keep you posted. Chee...

Friday, September 03, 2004

Day 56 - Quick update

Hello again, have'nt posted in a while, lots of stuffs on my mind, and sometimes i just let myself do whatever i feel like, maybe even too much. I talked to my shrink, she said i should pass to two pills per day, thats 20 mg, she said she does'nt think it effect me enough... have'nt done so yet, but i will soon, I think in the next week or so. I wish i could control my life more, I kinda got into a loop again. but it just bother me less, or...

Monday, August 16, 2004

Day 38 - Have I expected too much?

seems like up and downs again, I still cant say I feel any major improvement, the side effects are completely gone...well almost... and I feel just...ok i guess?! I'm not sure, I mean this day was kind of ok?! Dunno, I think I'm becoming bit numb... see u soon...

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Day 31 - One Month on Cipralex and Moving on....

Its been a month since I've started taking cipralex, I feel a change is going on, feel bit more secured, the anxiety is gone for now. I talk more often and manage to avoid pointless argues with myself and others... I can still get to orgasm and actually it even feel better ;) Just incase you were wondering... I'm more aware of myself and in a way trying to be less. will keep you updated. but still no major change in my life...Maybe I should...

Monday, August 09, 2004

Day 29 - Anxiety again?!

Feeling so tierd...its week number four already and I still cant say I feel much better, there is a change indeed but I'm just so tierd... I feel as if I could sleep for months and months...ZZzzzz...Zzzzz... all in all, I still have great hope for things to get better, I just have to...get a grip!...

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Day 24 - I Gained the power of keeping up with something?

Its been a while now that i'm working out, and I actually succeded to commite myself to it and do it everyday. amazing I could never do that before, I also notice I dare to say stuffs more freely, My communication skills are starting to go back the way they used to be. It seems easier on occaisons and sometimes hard as it always been...but in those special times when I do feel OK I communicate good. I still have no confidence in myself or my body,...

Saturday, July 31, 2004

Day 20 - Do Not Panic!

Had few panic attacks today but nothing I could'nt handle, I wonder when will this stuff actually start doing something for me! I mean besides the headaches ;)...

Just a Reminder to us All....

Depression is more than "the blues". It is more than the normal every day ups and downs, it is a serious health problem that affects the whole person as well as people around them....

Friday, July 30, 2004

Alochol with Cipralex

Most of my friends know me as one who drinks here and there on occaisons etc', I know its not recommended to drink alochol while on cipralex, but at this time I prefer to keep the fact I'm taking cipralex to I had no choice and I had to check it out just in case I'll run into a situation like that in the future... So I did, I drunk one glass of whisky and...I did fine, I was stoned abit but nothing I could'nt handle, I also checked...

Which Time Is The Best - To Take Cipralex?

Hello again, I've noticed some of you wonder when is the best time to take it, I guest It depends on you guys, I personally take it at night, couple of hours before I go to sleep, It works best for me. And I suggest that you do the same for start, that way even if you'll have to deal with side effects, you'll be able to learn them before dealing them around other people. ...

Day 19 - Lets go people, Lets go!

Well, The feeling of "the drug presence" is kinda gone... at least for this day, I've notice my modjo is bit down, Seems like sex starting to intrest me less... but I've checked and double checked, I have no problems with errection and getting orgasms, I actually feel more in control of my body... anyways, they say you need at least a month until you actually see results...but there are waves like always, I call them feelings waves, and the...

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Day 16 - Things are about to change

i can truly say that i feel the drug in my mind, I actually feel it giving me a hand when i'm about to crush again...I had lots of energy today , I talked a lot, and felt good in the present of people well not that good, :) but at least I survived it, if you know what I mean...with nothing too messy, afterwards done some work around the house and also started working out couple of days ago, up until now I practice just ten minutes a day but that...

Monday, July 26, 2004

Day 13 - Stretching Never been Better!

Today I feel as if I could strech forever, It kind of releases good energy...Yesterday I've been in a situation with lots of people, I think I handled it ok... still lots of room for improvements, but step by step, I also started working out a bit, hope I can continue with it and not quit again....wish me luck....

Friday, July 23, 2004

Day 10 - Not strong enough...

This is the second 10 mg pill i'm taking, I still feel the more or less the same... Actually It feels as if the stronger effect was couple of days ago... Anyways had no headaches or problem with the jaws and teeth but I do feel i'm going to drink now...(water...) As always, Will keep you posted....

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Day 9 - Extra Five

Just started taking 10mg of cipralex, just as planned, My teeth and jawa feels bit wierd, but I also feel sort of waves of energy.... amazing what power our brain and mind got...turly amazing... will keep you updated.......

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Day 7 - Something is Wierd

Seems like I've bit more energy now, but yet my mind is still tangeled, I think Tolerance and Patience are stronger, but not strong engouh, the headaches stopped totally, I still notice the time is slower than ever......

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Day 4 - Same Same...but Diffrent

Day 4, The headaches stopped. Tierdness here and there... Will you posted...No serious change so far... Oh seems like time just got slowed down...go figure......

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Day 3 - first steps with cipralex

I've been taking 5 mg cipralex a day, I take it around midnight, Meanwhile I've had some headaches and seems like I really enjoy taking naps...The headaches aren't so bad, I'll continue to take 5 mg until a week will be completed, than I'll increase the dosage to 10 mg. I'll keep posting here, if i'll feel any changes....

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Day 1 - A new begining?

Came to the point of no return, lets do it....