Monday, May 07, 2012

Day 558: Honey...I'm late...

Hello my friends, you’re all probably wondering what I’ve been up to…
So here’s a quick update:
As you already know I’ve reduced the dosage to 10mg from 20mg and besides one event in which I was a bit stressed out everything else went smooth.
I’ve just came back from Italy, as you know I was a bit worried about take cipralex pills with me to the airport, I know it was silly – really it was, anyways I can now tell you that you can take any medication pills you need onboard without any problem(just keep it in its original package) the trip was awesome, I interacted with a lot of new people I didn’t knew and felt good and powerful enough to deal with any surprising situations that popped up, and there were some( we got stuck with the car on a mountain and the car almost flipped over…lol everything is ok, and the cool thing was that I was so cool about it….)

I drank a lot of wine in Italy – what can you do besides that? lol , and I had no problems or side effects with cipralex – maybe it’s because it was a very good wine…
Besides that I’m into writing children books now… I don’t know why… haven’t done anything about it yet…but it’s very interesting market…
Almost forgot my fiancé told me she’s late…if you know what I mean… we need to do some tests I guess but it seems like we’re going to have a baby…
Me – a daddy? You got to be kidding me…life’s amazing sometimes….this is probably one of scariest things ever…but I’m cool with that…
I’ll update you more on that as soon as I’ll know more… btw the doc said cipralex have no effects on the pregnancy or the baby…

i'm going to answer all your comments and questions in the next post.

take care now
love you all


  1. Omg!!!! So exciting!!!!! I am so thankful that you have written this blog!!!! It is because of this blog that I decided to take cipralex, and because of this blog that I am gaming in there and continuing to take it when it makes me feel crappy ( first two weeks)
    Anyways I ham so happy for you!!! Children are the greatest things that can happen to a person. Look forward to reading more!

  2. So happy to see that you are back from vacation. I would love to see Italy one day. And of course very happy to see that you are going to be a Daddy, that is just wonderful. Looking forward to more posts!

  3. Wow congrats on being a Dad that is super awesome!!! Also I'm with Victoria604 in thanking you for this blog... it's been just over 2 weeks for me and I'm really starting to feel great. It's definitely been a rough go but seeing all the positive stuff on here gave me a lot of hope!!!

  4. My psychiatrist who specializes in medication shared with me that everyone on cipralex should be on at least 20mg a day to receive the full benefits. I had been taking 10mg for the past few years and wondering why I still felt sluggish with bouts of depression.... i thought is was the bouts of red wine, turns out it was the dosage that general MDs aren't necessarily aware of. Learning all sorts of things this from this past needless episode of major depression.
