Friday, March 09, 2012

Remember to...Wear Sunscreen

This one is with lots of love from emma ;)

old but nice and true
:), if you guys got more spiritual clips I would love to see em.

enjoy. and emma - thanks


  1. I've been dealing with anxiety, which led to depression. This started at the beginning of February of this year.

    I instantly knew something was wrong and immediately opened up to my family and close friends. Everyone has been extremely supportive and they have been helping me along the way.

    I started cipralex just yesterday. Whether it is the pill or the comfort of knowing I'm taking it, I'm already feeling amazing improvements.

    Today I have to face my employers regarding the illness. However, I have no concern about what their reaction will be.

    Having been what I (and so many of us) have gone through, I want to thank you and your blog for giving me hope when things were at their absolute worst. I will continue checking your blog to see how things are going.

    I will never take a good mood for granted again.

    All the best,

  2. Hi, with me actually Cipralex had started working after a week and now in my 4th month with it I can see a tremendous difference in me as a person 4 months back(a nervous and afraid Sarah ) and now.I am comparatively very calm and confident to handle the ruts around. It seems definitely exceptionally positive that Cipralex starts working in a dayon some individual . Bless. There was a time I was scared to leave my home .Now it is a fun when I listen the sound of my steps and shoes when I run in morning and this sound makes me aware that I am alive and can feel myself .I feel one can look forward when with cipralex even if all alone. Sarah

  3. Hi Johny,
    I think I’m going to adopt your sentence "I will never take a good mood for granted again"
    I’m happy that you've taken steps in the right direction and it’s great that you are so aware of your inner self being able to detect and handle things so quickly, best of luck and feel free to mingle with us all :)
    And remember you are not alone in this...

    Sarah - i'm so happy to read what you wrote, you're decently on the right path to improve your life quality.
